Explain the use of
finalize method with Example
Finalize() Method:
- When you will need to do some actions when an object is destroyed by garbage collection.
- For example when your program is using some non-java resources, you have to free the memory for these resources.
- This process is known as finalization.
- The finalization is done by the finalize() method.
Syntax :
protected void finalize()
//statements to be executed
- Finalize() method does not return any value so the return type is void.
- The finalize() mehod is called just before when java runtime system perform garbage collection.
- Finalize method is object class method, so applied all the class.
Example :
class Demo
static int cnt=0;
protected void finalize()
("Finalize"+ cnt);
public static void main(String[] a)
int i;
Demo obj[] =
new Demo[10000000];
for (i=0;i<10000000;i++)
obj[i]s=new Demo();
for (i=0;i<10000000;i++)
obj = null;
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